Chook coops
Urgh! You’ve stepped on another freshly laid egg. You have no idea where the next one will be to dodge even if you wanted to. If you can’t stop your chooks from laying eggs all over the place, give them a cosy nesting box within your very own safe and secure chook house.
Life with chickens will be simple and easy with our innovative locally-made chook houses which allows 4 chooks to lay at a time. Your hand-made wooden chook house will last you years, thanks to sturdy construction that is designed for extreme weather conditions to keep it and your chooks safe all year round.
No longer will you be stepping on precious eggs – you’ll wonder why you didn’t get this chook house sooner – we swear by its effectiveness. We’ll even give you a few tips to get your chooks on the right path to happy laying. Regularly. Mess free. In the same spot each time. You’re welcome